What We Do:

1.    We Nurture and Empower Spectrum (LGBTTQQ2SIAA) Youth Artists
Creative leadership programs for Spectrum Youth provide empowering opportunities to learn about our queer-stories, excavate the roots of homophobia and transphobia, create, express and encourage our participants to live and lead with pride & self-love. We also support Queer Artists and cultural producers to develop their practice, grant-writing skills, strategy etc. 
(See Our Pages on OUTWords Arts and Leadership Program and Support for Spectrum Artists)

2.   We Host Equity & Arts-based Community Programming
We develop equity-based workshops around anti-oppression, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia and gender inequity, to understanding power and privilege, ally-ship and conflict resolution to name a few. We also facilitate community arts projects and programs to explore and encourage individual and collective stories that need to be told and shared. Art that encourages healing, honesty and action. 
(See our pages on  Workshops and  Community Art Projects/ )

3.    We Work Towards an Empowered Youth Sector
We support communities, organizations and collectives to apply and evaluate structures and measures of equity and accountability within their communication, decision-making, operating and governing systems within the Youth Sector. We offer consultation, workshops and trainings. We facilitate meetings, creative evaluation measures, large-scale collective decision making processes, creative brainstorming, strategic planning, retreats and much more. This is known as developing "Youth Social Infrastructure" within the Youth Sector.  
(See our page on Intermediary Work)